Published on 02/05/2018 7:01 am
How to Choose a Best Dedicated Server?

If you are planning to use dedicated Server then you should understand that it is a single computer which is connected to internet. This computer system and it processing control is highly dedicated to one person or a specific organization. It indicates that the resources of computer are not shared by someone else. You have the complete control over machine and you are fully free to use any type of software you wish on that specific computer.

Normally dedicated servers are utilized to serve requests of web page (it can be images, html, videos...etc) but they can be utilized for some other intentions as well.

Should I use one or more than one servers? 

To make simpler things we are dividing the use of dedicated servers into two different groups:

Single Hosting 

It is a cheap hosting of one or more than one web sites. In this type of arrangement, all of the programs/services (DB software, http software, email software...etc) are available and running on one dedicated server or you can also use cheap vps servers. Most of the time, these programs/services can even be known as "servers" them self.

Full Hosting

It is a particular Service Hosting (httpd, email, Database...etc)

It is the usual setup for medium to small trafficked sites as all of the required software needed to work properly the web site is planned on one normal machine.

Benefits to of this type of setup are that it decreases the cost, but drawback is that these machine resources are shared by all of the process and software.

Detailed Service Hosting

It is a hosting of one service or software on its own committed machine. All the important resources on the machine are mainly dedicated for one type of functionality or service. Like, one could host only Database Program on the VPS servers thus all of the applicable resources on that specific machine are just dedicated for Database Queries processing. You are highly capable to manage more and more queries, or give more number of pages.

Generally high to medium trafficked sites will run this type of setup, but you can also get benefits from Strong vps dedicated servers. Normal setup will comprise of one or more than one server which will just manage web (http) request, then these servers only controlling database requests and possibly one or more web servers just handling email’s processing. In theory there is not any type of limitation on the server amount. As a group working mutually these types of servers are utilized to process in lots of requests per day.

Which particular setup should you select? 

Of course, it depends on the number of traffic and requests that your website will be getting. So to highly capable to answer this question we have to first know somewhat about what type of services are required in order for website.

Normally, today's active web sites need Instant delivery VPS or highly effective services to deliver a full functioning web site.

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